Freedom Moses

With a few days of warmer weather on the forecast this week and school finishing up we are definitely feeling the summer vibes. And we are ready.

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We asked our kids if they had two things they wanted to add on their summer bucket list: both our kids said the beach and then they each added one other idea. Jake wanted to go to the waterslides and Kinsley wanted to play on a playground. Can you tell she has been playground deprived these last few months?! It’s amazing how the simplest of things bring children so much joy.

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Making a list of summer adventures both big and small is one of the things we love to do before the season. For these summer adventures, we are trying out some new footwear: slip on sandals from Freedom Moses. Their sandals are made with vegan and recyclable products and are comfortable for little kids feet (and us too!). They are easy to slip on and off which is perfect for adventuring, exploring at the beach, or wading in the river.

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Freedom Moses offers so many different styles and colours for both kids and adults you can be sure to find something that will work for everyone in your family.
