Lattes & Iced Coffees at Home

Hey friends - we have a been a bit MIA on here for the past two weeks as we have been out at beaches and pools and any source of water really beating this heat we have been having in the Vancouver area. We always find that when we slow down on our blog a bit in the summer due to us being outside most days and trying to catch some rays while our kids dig some sandcastles. 
But today.....I (Lauren) am just chatting about my healthy relationship with vanilla lattes and how I have saved a bit of money by making them at home (and attempting to make iced lattes as well).

I've never owned an espresso machine, yet I'm a vanilla latte fanatic. David and I recently got this one from Capresso and we are pretty high on life about it. Mainly because I don't need to wrestle with the idea of heading to a Starbucks drive-thru, in the morning, in my pajamas, with both kids, when one of them rises before the sun. 

Making them is easy too - once you get over the hump of learning how to do everything it actually takes me about 3 min to make a latte and most of that time is waiting for the milk to froth. I've also attempted to make an iced coffee a few times but I haven't mastered that yet. Send me all your tips!

I have this machine and this milk frother and I have no complaints about either. Both are really easy to clean so after I make my latte I can give both a quick wash and get on to enjoying my drink hot....well, for the most part #becausekids.

I always had the assumption that making a latte at home was quite difficult and that baristas were just so good at making them but since having this machine at home I've been able to master a great latte. Cheers to a more productive morning when I get to drink that latte a whole lot sooner! My favourite beans to use right now are the Old School Espresso by 49th Parallel. You can pick some up at their downtown locations or if you are in the South Surrey Area, Everbean Cafe and The Modern General Store sells them!
