Lauren Jane and Chelsea Shelin

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Bible Storybook with Crossway

This year we have been using The Biggest Story Bible Storybook for part of our Bible curriculum for homeschooling. I know that in addition to reading straight from scripture, I wanted a storybook type bible that worked through the bible in a kid friendly way. I’m a big believer that the most important thing you can read to your kids is the bible but I really like this book as a supplement to that.

Crossway, a non-profit organization, produces this book as well as many other bibles and related books on their website. When I was looking for biblical curriculum from other homeschool moms I found a lot of them use this and so I wanted to try it out with my kids. We read one story a day and then I also pick one verse to memorize for that week. This is a great length for my kids as it only takes a few minutes and then we pray and also make up actions for our memory verse.

I always love hearing what other people do for their curriculum and I loved sharing what we are using for bible this year!